Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to Work

Phrase of the day: "Have a..."
If you are in England, you don't "take" a shower, you "have" a shower. And if you are stressed you could... have a cry. Or a smoke. Or a holiday. Or, of course, a tea.

Place of the day: Lucky Voice, a private karaoke facility in Soho I visited with my housemates on Saturday. It was totally in a posh box like in the Japanese movies!

Back in the world of financial journalism...
I was dreading going back to work after such a nice holiday, but I forgot that work makes one feel accomplished. And I forgot the delights of financial journalism, such as the stories that go on for a month with a different headline every day. It goes something like this:

Monday: Bank X is Projected for a Write-Down that Could Result in A,B,C
Tuesday: Bank X to Announce Write-Down that Could Result in A,B,C
Wednesday: Bank X Announces Write-Down that Could Result in A,B,C
Thursday: Bank X's Write-Down Results in A,B,C

You get the idea!

Today Citi was in the news because they are rumored to possibly be selling Smith Barney, where my brother works. But of course they will announce it tomorrow. It is fun that my brother and I actually have overlapping worlds sometimes! (He played with cash registers; I played with chalkboards.)

I am now reading: Chasing Down the Dawn: Stories from the Road by Jewel
This was the perfect book for the plane ride over to keep me striving for the "life uncommon."

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