Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Sad Day

Word of the day: alight
So Merriam-Webster says this word means "to descend" and yet the underground trains are always suggesting you "alight" to go to museums at certain destinations. Kind of weird to descend up, eh?

R.I.P. Heath
I had every intention of a killer blog entry but really all we are talking about is how Heath Ledger died. I broke the news to my housemates and ever since that's really all we can talk about. His last photograph was supposedly taken in London on the set of his latest film.

And of course we already looked at facebook and there are zillions of groups dedicated to his death already. How weird is it that facebook is the first thing you think of to connect with people when anything happens in life? Like, if real tragedy befell us would we bother running out to our neighbors or would we all run into our rooms with our laptops? Not even a question; it is the latter.

I suppose most of you are over social commentary on facebook but I think we have yet to see just how its effects on an entire generation unfold.

I am now watching: Match Point -- Random fact! I live next to the Queen's Club, the tennis court featured in this film:

Courtesy of Wikipedia


Monty said...

You live next to Queen's Club?!?! Jealous!

Eric said...

Re: Facebook

Slate, again!


Unknown said...

Yay what a fantastic facebook article! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I'm ashamed to say that after six days away from my paper, I read every issue I missed while I was in Kansas, and the story I was most interested in was Heath Ledger dying. But it's true.

Oh, and yay for having London roomies! Hope there are far fewer spiders there than in Chautauqua...

Unknown said...

No, thank heavens I don't live in a cellar with five other people and no living room or television...but man what a fun summer that was!