Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

If You Give a Mouse an Old House...

Just saw the mouse run by. It was either a new one or Ralph got fat and should be called Gus Gus now.
See, you don't think you're going to live in one of those places with furry creatures running around and then you do.
Oh the joys of living in an ancient city. Rodents were carrying in the plague to homes here before America even "existed."
I'm going to Northern Ireland tomorrow; thank god I can get out of this rodent nest for a while!
I am curled up Indian-style on my bed unable to pack or shower or even walk over to the waste basket and pick up the Post-it note that missed it.
Oh the adventures of living where you can afford to.


Amanda said...

Hey Ellie, I found your blog randomly when I was looking up information on Scottish tours. I'm trying to find a day trip to the highlands from Edinburgh, but I do not want the whole trip to be me sitting on a bus (lame). You said you traveled with Haggis, how was it? Would you recommend it? If you don't mind, could you send your impressions to me at Gayle84@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Amanda said...

Hey Ellie, I found your blog randomly when I was looking up information on Scottish tours. I'm trying to find a day trip to the highlands from Edinburgh, but I do not want the whole trip to be me sitting on a bus (lame). You said you traveled with Haggis, how was it? Would you recommend it? If you don't mind, could you send your impressions to me at Gayle84@yahoo.com. Thanks!