Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Boo for the News

Summary: I’m depressed about money and red tape, so I’m taking it out on the media (they can be a scapegoat for everything).

Word of the day: holiday
British people go on these all the time. It’s like a vacation, but does anyone in America know what those are?

What I learned today: There is a lovely little contraption that heats water all on it’s own and my boss taught me how to use it today! It’s called a kettle, and that’s how I get to make coffee in the office, isn’t that adorable?

Now Here’s Where I Bitch
(You will have to excuse me, I just spent 15 minutes on an international call to my bank and got no help, of course.)

Yeah OK, I get it, my trip is cursed. Exchanges rates are horrible, blah, blah, blah, and now The New York Times predicts that international travel will be great next year. And traveling around the holidays is going to be bad, so I mine as well not plan on being home at Christmas. After all, my flight over here was five hours delayed.

For the story: Flying for the Holidays? Brace Yourself

You know what, I’m a journalist, but the news just depresses the shit out of you, so why read it? It’s not helpful; it’s just vindictive. Instead of doing articles like “Experts Predict that You Should Go to the Park Today Because It’s Sunny,” they always do a story that says “Experts Say It’s Raining and You’re Wet Because You Went to the Park.”

I’m listening to: Nothing, Apple updated my iPod and so I can’t charge it anymore—does that make any sense?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are upset and depressed! Just remember tomorrow is a new day! Hopefully it will be better! I love you, pants! :)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog! I really do love your British word of the day.

Sorry, I can't find you on facebook, I don't know what the deal is. My web page is a link to my facebook as there are tons of people with my name; just to make it easier.