Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Love at First Sight...

Summary: My computer is low on battery power, but London completely rocks my socks (maybe literally, my feet are killing me).

Word of the day: chav
Christopher says this is kind of similar to the term "redneck," although it doesn't mean the same thing at all. Basically, it's a semi-derogatory term for English northerners.

Lesson of the day: Stop doubling everything, i.e., "That beer was 2 pounds, so $4...That ticket was 10 pounds so $20...That pack of cigs was 5 pounds so $10 [true story, glad I just quit]." Let's face it, it's London. I'm going broke, so I should stop freaking out.

OK plans of telling you all about my arrival and first day in London (which was more eventful than I ever could have imagined) are thwarted by the fact that with all my planning, I forgot a converter for a three-hole plug like my computer, so my battery is about to die.

But planes, trains, tubes and buses later, I must say today was tiring and fabulous. I'll have pictures soon! It's probably better that I don't have long to talk, because I'd go on and on about how cute my flat is, how fun public transportation is, how beautiful buildings are here, how people in England have awesome accents, how lovely sans serif fonts abound on all the signage, and my first taste of the English pub with my new bosom friend and co-worker Christopher. But I'll wait and tell you most of it in pictures.

An ending note: I like how in one day I went from the girl struggling around the tube station with a 49-pound suitcase and three bags to answering a question for some one else a little while ago at the bus stop!

Now I really should unpack...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you. Enjoy your months across the pond and make good journalism.
