Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oh Amber Waves of Grain

Summary: America sucks and I love it.

Word of the day: top up (or n. top-up)
So I realize we could figure out what this means in the U.S., but like a lot of words I showcase, the English use it more. Do you need to top up your travel card? Your phone card? Your money card? Your grocery card? Your caffeine level? Your paycheck? Your hairstyle? Your sex drive?

What I learned today: Walking around all day will really make your feet hurt!

Next time I go to London I will: go back to Westminster, because I loooove it there! I will let you know all about it tomorrow.

In an earlier post, I know I said some mean things about America, along the lines of “America sucks. sucks. sucks. sucks.” And it hurt my mom’s feelings. :(

That wasn’t fair, because it’s not America’s fault that its dollar is absolutely worthless.

So, just to clarify, America has some good things. For instance, you can view all of its historical sites in a lot less time than in England. Also, America has better salad dressing, in my opinion. And the food portions are much bigger and more deliciously fattening at restaurants. And it’s just cooler to be fat in general! Also, America puts its hot and cold faucets together, because it just makes sense. And the movie Gone With the Wind, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and the musical 1776 could not exist without America’s charm. And Americans delete absolutely unnecessary letters from words, such as “color” instead of “colour.” Yeah, we don’t mess around in America, and we have the military budget to prove it! And we don’t have to pay for other people’s healthcare in America either! And we have the American Dream for everyone.

And my FAVORITE thing about Americans is actually that I am totally guilty of being one--your typical friendly girl from the Midwest that thinks she can change the world--and I just don’t think any other country manufactures people like me at such a huge gross rate. And these pleasantly cold London people in their classy fishnets and boots just have to cope with it.

So don’t worry, Mom, just because I get mad at the exchange rate (you would too if your value was cut in half), doesn’t mean America sucks altogether. In fact, I completely miss that gluttonous, self-righteous-but-friendly pile of dirt that is my homeland.

Edit: I would also like to add the following things I love/miss about America to the list:

- abundant drinking fountains
- superstores where you can get all your shopping done (I don't know if that's a good thing, but it sure was convenient)
- free refills everywhere
- visible street signs (as opposed to obscurely posting them on the side of buildings)
- oh, and people I love :)

I am listening to: I mean, I know I mentioned my trip the ol' "I miss you" ballad specialists, 3 Doors Down, but I didn’t think they’d write a song for me so quickly! (3 Doors Down, “Landing in London”)

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