Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Free Day in London!

Summary: I did more sight-seeing than you this weekend!

Word of the day: stone
On my favorite British show, The Diet Doctors, they always talk about losing “stone,” which equals about 6 kilograms (or 12 pounds). I would like to lose about a stone while I’m here.

What I learned today: The British Library is not a public library but for archives, oops.

Next time I go to London: I will, like, bury myself at Westminster Abbey. It's gorgeous.

I am exhausted…

This weekend, I walked all over again, and every two seconds I stumbled upon a lovely park or tall, super-old steeple.

I saw the elegance of Buckingham Palace, but decided to skip a tour. (I don’t need to pay to see decadent royalty when I’m living on noodles and tuna.)

And then walked through St. James Park on my way to the Queen’s Life Guards. I like their fringe ponytails.

Then I walked next to the Houses of Parliament and ol’ Big Ben, and stumbled across the Westminster Abbey, which was unfortunately closed for touring, so I must go back another time to pay homage to Poet’s Corner.

Then I found myself strolling through Victoria Park on the way to the Tate Britain art museum, where I again spent hours absorbing art from 1400 to now. I have discovered my love of the mystical and vibrant Pre-Raphaelite art—considered to be the first avant-garde artists.

"The Lady of Shallot" by John William Waterhouse (courtesy of Wikipedia)

And then I attended a service at Westminster Cathedral, exploring each elegant chapel (St. Patrick's was my favorite). I listened to the gospel about giving to the poor in its gilded walls … Oh Catholics! (I’m just trying to get a rise out of you, Mom.)

And then of course, feet aching, I went grocery shopping, breaking my streak of spending no money in a day.

Then today my friend and I met for lunch and a long walk along the South Bank of the Thames, viewing some very creative buskers, including human statues and blue guitarists. I kid you not:

Then we took the tube up to the British Library, where I stupidly inquired about a library card. Turns out it’s just for the national archives … We saw the Beatles original doodlings of “Yesterday” and the Magna Carta, then I bought a Jane Austen book in a nearby used bookstore.

All in all, a good London weekend.

I am listening to: The Beatles. Actually I'm not, but it would be cool if I were.

[Edit: I went back through this post and added my own photos.]

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