Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bridging the Culture Gap

Summary: I crossed the London Bridge and lived to tell about it.

Word of the day
: stop
The little dot at the end of sentence is called a “stop.” I was telling my colleague to replace a comma with a “period,” and he looked confused. Turns out, period means something entirely different…and it’s not pretty.

What I learned today: London Bridge is not falling down, and quite in tact actually. Of course, note that London Bridge is nothing special, connecting Central London to Southwark. I walked across it today on my lunch break, found the cheapest cup of coffee in London yet (1.50 pounds), and walked back.

Parallel to and often mistaken for the London Bridge is the illustrious Tower Bridge:

[Edit: I added this picture in later after I got my camera.]

Next time I go to London I will: Bring more sweaters...er..."jumpers!" It's already cold here!

Some job notes: I'm noticing a trend: At almost every publication I've worked at, I've wished there was more editing. It turns out I am uber-passionate about it! I'm trying to make sure the stories we post to the Web site are consistent. The GC style is what I would like to call “glamourous American”—quite a mishmash of cultures, representative of its international readership. I'm getting used to saying "realise" instead of "realize" but still also using the Associated Press as a bible as always.

Of course, perhaps I am going to become a control freak with this whole operation. I’m known to get like that…

Oh, and about me: As I looked out from the London Bridge to the Tower Bridge, I realized I always knew I was going to be alone in another country looking out on the river. I felt very lonely in an extremely satisfying way.

But when I came home I had a sweet message on my computer that made me cry. My first breakdown about being friendless and across the ocean--so glad that’s over.

I’m listening to: Shannon Wright, “Everybody’s Got Their Own Part to Play”
My new favorite indie chick’s haunting sound feels like it could echo off the buildings here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellie, it's Kristina (Matt Burns' friend) I just wanted to let you know that you can contact me for whatever reason you want. Some to chat to, someone to complain about the British to, whatever. If you want to come see the north country just let me know I would love to show you around York, and if you want Leeds as well. I will be coming down to the city the 1st weekend of November to see Wilco. So if you want to grab a cup of tea and chat just let me know. My e-mail is kristina.kindler@gmail.com. Take care.