Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Realising That I'm Tired

So finally, you got me, I’m too tired to post. I think I will be like actors and have Monday be my day off from the show.

And I need to rest up; tomorrow I have to start researching the valuation of hedge funds, including OTC derivatives (especially post sub-prime) and asset backed securities for my first article in Global Custodian. But everybody knows what those are.

But of course…

Word of the day: realise
Notice, it is not spelled with a “z,” which would make a heck of a lot more sense phonetically.

What I learned today: I finally found the McDonald’s, with the help of my English friend. And it had big leathery chairs and modern paintings—high class!

Next time I go to London I will: Apply for a credit card that doesn’t charge conversion fees—bastards.

I am listening to: Fiona Apple, “Extraordinary Machine”
Because I still only travel by foot and by foot, and by foot it’s a slow climb.


Brittany Kress said...

If you didn't read this when it came out, it might be of particular interest now :) I'm just slightly bummed that The NY Times apparently stripped both the photos and e-mailing capabilities from their archives...


I love reading your blog! Hope life is as exciting as it sounds -- miss you!

Brittany Kress said...

If you didn't read this when it was in a NY Times Headline e-mail (which you probably did), it will be of particular interest now... I just wish the cool photos that were with it weren't stripped from the archives!

I love reading your blog! Hope life is as exciting as it sounds -- miss you!

Brittany Kress said...

oops. i didn't realize why my post wasn't showing up, so i sent it twice, haha! hope you 'approve' it!

Unknown said...

Yay that's fun that I got your comments twice! Thanks for sending the story--I noticed McDonald's were looking nicer lately, so I thought they were up to something. Thanks for sending that:)

I'm so happy you actually read my blog! I miss you too!