Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Autoreply: Ellie is Out of the Office

Je suis au Paris.

That's all I remember from French. But I'm interviewing a bigwig at a huge European bank, in France on Thursday.

Listen, I'm kind of a big deal.

Will update the blog this weekend.

P.S. Finished my story on OTC derivatives, and just because you are dying for a preview (you won't believe I understand this paragraph):

As the amount of OTC derivatives continues to grow in portfolios, more and more investment managers have turned to independent valuation. That trend toward increased valuation has been underscored by recent market woes that emphasize extra precaution in valuation, influenced by compliance trends toward more accuracy, consistency and transparency in pricing illiquid assets as a whole.

If you want to read the rest, you're going to have to pay $100 for the next issue. Or $20,000 for a pdf version of the story, if you would prefer.

Au revoir!
Oh la la!

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