Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cracks in the Floor

Summary: The little things make me miss home the most. But London is the only place where you can see a giant crack in a floor.

Word of the day: bubble
We are guessing this is the potato concoction that came with my breakfast yesterday, but aren't too sure.

What I learned today: Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and more irritable.

The next time I go to London I will…not drink in Leicester Square.

Aching for Home
It’s funny how you can be in another country, eating weird foods, learning a new culture and being without all of the people you love in the world, and it doesn't bother you. Running around a huge city with two overstuffed suitcases by yourself? No problem. Sightseeing alone because you have no friends? No big deal.

And then an ear ache comes along, and it puts you over the edge. Suddenly your ear aches and you are overseas and alone and your doctor is on the other side of the ocean, and it feels like the end of the world.

Let’s just say I had a similar experience this weekend. But otherwise I had a delightful last couple of days.

My Very English Weekend
This consisted of sipping English cider (you can drink in public, but see my story below) watching the history of London in film on a big screen set up in Trafalgar Square. Then we shared a meal at a pub and lamented that the nachos we ordered weren’t just one huge, gross plate Applebee’s style. And they charge for water—lame. Then we refilled our alcohol supply at Tesco and wandered to Leicester Square.

It was here that a cop informed us we couldn’t drink in public in that spot and we thought he was joking as he said “Finish that quick, or else give me one.” When we didn’t believe him he said, “Would you talk to an American cop like that?” We walked away, and then he followed us and we realized that, no, he was not joking. And we threw our beers in the trash. Of course, we were absolutely flabbergasted at how easy that was. If I were back in Ohio, I would be in jail just like that.

To make this weekend authentically London, Jessica and I wandered a true English market at Borough Market, which is right near where I work. I stocked up on fresh produce and tried billions of samples of cheese. America really has nothing like the glorious English markets.

Then we went and saw the 500-foot crack in the floor at the Tate Modern.

I love how London is always a mixture of something old-fashioned and something modern.

And now I will finish writing about the valuation of OTC derivatives. What a buzz kill.

I am now watching: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Can you believe I’ve never been to New York? I bet I would like it. It’s the American version of London!

[Edit: I deleted a photo I did not take.]

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