Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bobcats Loose in London

Summary: It was nice to hang out with one of my own kind.

Word of the day: uni
= university, which they always say instead of college, which implies community college

What I learned today: It’s not just me; American journalism in England is hard to do.

Next time I go to London I will...just take the bus. The tube is quite possibly overrated. I am just saying that because I lost my Oyster card.

I am Not Alone!
My former professor and friend Debbie Gump hooked me up with a fellow E.W. Scripps School of Journalism alumnus named Erin, who has been living in London and working as a financial journalist now for two years! It was so refreshing to hang out with a fellow American/Ohioan/Bobcat/journalist. A few things we discussed:

1. How the British class system works. Sure, it might be in place in America (ever heard of the Bush family?), but the British seem even worse.

2. How majoring in journalism is obsolete in England. To them, it translates to “media studies,” and we know how that major is kind of a “whatever” major in the states. So you have to make it clear to future employers just how prestigious a journalism degree from Ohio University really is — better than one from Harvard, in fact.

3. How London is really a city of many tiny villages all distinct, and how living in Columbus could really be like living in one little borough of London.

4. How she met her husband on the plane on her way to London, after ditching her life in Columbus! Holy crap, that would be way more convenient than my situation of being across the ocean from my boyfriend:)

5. How quickly you can change your life if you want to, i.e. no matter where I end up next, it is not really the end at all.

6. How Midwesterners have a modest charm that doesn't get them anywhere in London. We have to be a.) more city-like and b.) more British-like, which is about two steps up on the cocky and cold meter.

I am now watching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer — my flatmate is addicted to this show and watches it on DVD, and I am finding it very easy to get enthralled in as well.

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