Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Taxes are High, But So is the Fashion!

Summary: People in London are stylish, and I love it.

Word of the day
: queue
You don’t wait in “line” here; you wait in the queue.

What I learned today: Hm, they pay a lot of taxes here … like, everyone lives off of the government … England might make me fiscally conservative, and here my girl Hillary wants to do universal health care in the U.S. now…

Next time I go to London I will...open an outlet shop here. My flatmate says they don’t have them.

My colleague Christopher just moved back to America and is complaining to me right now about how he can’t find a suit in his size (because Americans are fat, in case you didn’t know). And that reminded me to tell you the best thing ever:

Things I Love About London Fashion So Far

pinstripe suits -- Boys aren’t lame about being fashionable here. They sport the vertical lines with pride.

fishnets -- In case you don’t know, I LOVE ALL THINGS HOSIERY. And the designs on tights, especially fishnets, are creative and fabulous and everyone has them -- not just weirdos like me.

scarves -- The wraps, pashminas, scarves and shawls women adorn themselves with are fashionable and useful to quell the slight London chill. I think I might have to buy a fun one as my one London treat.

Mary Jane heels -- I know these are very in for the fall, but I love how they click all over London beneath each laced leg.

jackets -- Before I got to London I was pretty much on a quest for all of the jackets I see here for the fall fashion issue of Columbus Alive. And now here they are, in cropped, big-buttoned, patterned glory circa Audrey Hepburn.

subtle/jarring color -- I love how gray outfits turn to electric blue shoes, purple stockings peak out from business suits and a metallic silver bag suddenly glimmers on the tube. You never know what to expect in London.

I am watching: Heroes. I doubt this is the same season as in the U.S., but I’m all about it. (And by the way, it's commercial free on BBC.)

[Edit: I deleted the photos from this page, because they weren't my own.]

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