Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dancin' In the Street

Summary: I am going to Paris for work this week! But this blog doesn't talk about that at all.

Word of the day: maths
Not math, but maths. It sounds so trashy when you hear it come out of a bigwig at a bank during a press conference, but apparently that's what they say.

What I learned today: Hedge fund valuation has a new analysis technique. Neat! (Is it scary that I understood what was going in the press conference?)

Next time I go to London I will...Not forget my camera chord! I really need to have my mom send that. (Mom, will you send me my photo chord so I can put pictures I take on this blog? I also need another sweater I think. And this hair straightening cream I think I left on my dresser maybe...)

This is why I love London (photo c/o Jessica):

Nothing like tap dancing under the bridge! We came across this team on our way from the market to the Tate along Bankside Saturday. I considered that it might be a good way to make some extra cash in the future. Maybe Mom should send my tap shoes too.

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