And my friend Joe just sent me this song to inspire you too:
I am now listening to: "Start Wearing Purple" by Gogol Bordello
Taking the quarter-life crisis global!
The most suicidal thing a person can possibly do is blog about blogging (or write about writing or sing about singing or any of that look-in-the-mirror bullshit), but I can’t help but remember that my little night job of blogging is going to be up soon. Well so is my
I have to say it seems like it must be really easy to ramble on about your own life in one of these things, and it is. But the rest of it is really quite challenging. The biggest challenge is knowing how much and how little to say.
For instance, I am dying, absolutely freaking dying to tell stories about things in the office, but I can’t. And I can’t really give the office justice by not telling you the whole story. So this whole time I have not bothered to tell you about the humorous characters I encounter on a daily basis, from the drone of sales pitches, to the technical guys from Uzbekistan who sometimes try to convert me to Islam. And then of course there’s my editor, who always wears a suit and walks in and immediately gets the kettle started for tea. It’s impossible to paint the correct picture of this dingy old place, and so I don’t.
It’s funny to think that in all these blog entries, I’ve gone on and on and on about places in
But anyway, I’m thinking this blog comprises three things: a. me b.
So listen, in honor of this self-indulgent blog about my daily trials and tribulations and sightings of old churches, here is an Onion link that made me chuckle:
By the way, have I mentioned that this sardonic paper gets me through long afternoons in the office?
Oh, and by the way, the quote of the day goes to my American co-worker after I told him something an English person did:
"I think it's the
This is what you call the ugly red thing on my cheek.
I Want My Mama
So I am sick and being in another country when you are sick sucks. I guess I don’t really know why; maybe it is more like being away from all of the people who usually take care of you when you are sick sucks. It reminds me of the soup Matt brought over the last time I was sick or the way my mom watched TV with me on Christmas Eve when I had the flu. This time around no one even bothered asking me how I felt. My flatmate was relieved when I told her I wasn't throwing up, because she doesn't want to catch that. Well, my boss seemed concerned. He asked if I wanted to go to a wine-tasting party hosted by one of our custodian bank clients and then added, “Well maybe not, because you are sick. I hope you feel better.” That meant a lot actually.
What, do I want a big freakin’ pity party? Yeah I do.
I am now listening to: All of the songs from my Top 10 Songs for the Tube published yesterday. Today was melancholy, definitely an “Across the Universe” day.
What I learned today: How to edit video in Final Cut Pro! (Mom, that is a program on the computer with which you edit video.) I actually put the text in and made transitions and it really looks quite professional, I must say. I’ll show you when it’s done … Even if you don’t want to know about OTC derivative valuation.
What I love about London. Falafels from Café Rosse on Borough High Street, which was my lunch and dinner today.
It’s cold.
And it’s Monday.
And I am watching
But the good news is, I was inspired today on the tube to compile a list of my top 10 songs to listen to on the underground. This list was whittled down from the 34 nominees I scribbled in my notebook after skipping through all 380 songs on my iPod. Yeah, so I wouldn’t call it the end-all list, as my iPod is disproportionately populated with Bob Dylan and Fiona Apple (I haven't had a chance to add all my music to it). But from this scanty selection are several songs that turn an icky tube ride into the opening credits of my own TV show -- you know, like those Mary Tyler Moore moments you have as you cross a busy street.
“Conventional Wisdom” by Built to Spill -- Another upbeat, indie rock type of song -- those are good tube-song ingredients, provided they aren’t too shallow.
“Everybody’s Got Their Own Part to Play" by Shannon Wright -- Songs about the whole fact of a bunch of people also being individuals are good for those lonely but crowded tube rides.
“God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys – For a happy day. I think it reminds me of
“Queen Jane Approximately” by Bob Dylan -- OK so I had a rough time choosing among BD’s songs, which form the backbone for my tube soundtrack. But this is a good one -- not too explicitly about being a traveling spirit (like a rolling stone), but still enigmatically pleasing tube music.
“I Like It” by Dixie Chicks -- These girls are good for the highway, but they also work underground. (I would definitely not recommend “Wide Open Spaces” on the tube.)
Today I finally visited the National Gallery and saw all the Ninja Turtles' paintings. My favorite pieces were those by Degas, because if I could make my words imitate any artist, I would choose the blurred reality of Degas. I am also partial to him because I love ballet. My mother lined my little aspiring-ballerina room with his paintings growing up.
I also hopped over to the adjoining National Portrait Gallery to see the haunted faces of dead people in room after room. I love that stuff!
National Gallery at Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square
I am now watching: Fanny Hill -- getting educated on a little 18th century erotica on the BBC. Definitely not the Jane Austen-type movies I’m used to seeing from this time period!
Summary: I am in a funk this week.
Word of the day: smart
English people always use this to mean “sharp” when describing someone dressed up, i.e. “You look smart.”
So what am I still doing here?
Well yesterday I was writing a piece for our winter issue about upgrades to a new trading platform and I found myself typing the following paragraph instead … I guess I’ve really been in a funk about being over here, and kind of ready for it to be over now that I lost my glasses. But tomorrow I will probably get all upset that I am leaving this amazing city and will probably end up working for a paper in Nebraska or something. And then other days I wish I could be transported home immediately. Today is one of the latter.
Why do we travel, really? It makes us more likely to be poor, more likely to lose things, more likely to fight with our significant other, more prone to diseases in other countries … And yet, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want the horrible experience of losing your make-up in England and having to buy it back for twice as much. It is with these ridiculous challenges working abroad brings that makes every lonely traveler rise to the occasion. We swear that some day this experience will make us more confident people, will benefit our pocketbook (not sure how -- does worldliness pay?) and strengthen our relationship after facing the test of time zones. And yet perhaps these endless steeples and strangers we encounter won't make a heap of difference, but at least it's fun for most of the time. I mean, really, why not travel? What have I got to lose aside from my passport, cell phone, iPod, travel card, credit cards, wallet, glasses, boyfriend, sanity, life savings, make-up, etcetera?
I am now reading: Naked Option by Joe Kolman. I saw my co-worker reading this and thought he had brought some erotic book to the office, but actually it’s an account of life on the trade floor he was reviewing for the magazine. Finally, an interesting read about the business I cover!
Summary: I went to
Word of the day: coffee shop
I’m taking a break from my usual British/U.S. dictionary to mention a phrase on so many buildings in
What I love about
On Saturday, Jessica got in town and we simply explored. I would definitely recommend a walking tour in any city, and
Word of the day: anti-clockwise
Yesterday I saw a sign in the underground station that said the “anti-clockwise” route on the Circle line was delayed. I’ll stick with counterclockwise, thank you much.
Subject: Out of Office Reply Subject: Out of Office Reply Subject: Out of Office Reply
Well in other news the iPhone hit
A week to remember in
The Apple store on Regent Street
I won’t be blogging this weekend because I will be taking an e-mail-free, phone-free, real, live holiday for four days in
November. If your request is urgent, please call the
+44 020.7939.9934. I will reply to your request as soon as I can.
Best regards,
Ellie Behling
Global Custodian
I am now watching: The Project Runway participants taking on
Word of the day: CV
This is what they call a resume. Probably a good thing to know if one is applying for a job in
What I learned today: You can put all of your chat applications into
one application. So now I use jabber to access AOL and at work.
This minimizes a couple of applications I usually have floating around
all over the screen. How exciting is my life?
What I love about
I'm a sunny person, but I'm not. Or maybe I am but I prefer not to be
outshined by the sun.
So Now I Can Stop Trying to Catch Your Attention With My Wit
...Because I finally have pictures again!
I am super tired right now because I insisted on uploading all of my
pictures to facebook last night as soon as I got my camera cord in the mail. Of course that doesn't help you old geysers (age 26 and over) who read my blog and want to see pictures. Actually, you will luck out because I will wade through and select only my favorite
photos. OK I was going to do that right now, but the picture upload isn't working. I'll post more later tonight or tomorrow.
I am now watching: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -- there is no end to British TV randomness.
Word of the day: Oh bloody hell, I can’t think of one mate!
Too Much Office Space
Life in the electronic office can be challenging. Mostly because four of my superiors will e-mail me from different countries at the same time and ask me to do something and it’s hard to prioritize. But, you know, I juggle tasks -- that’s what I do. I write it on a Post-it that I deem the appropriate size (I have all different shapes and sizes) and then attack that Post-it until I check every item off! Or I put it in my planner and won’t sleep at night until its highlighted (yes, I HIGHLIGHT things as I do them, which is super backward and I realize this.)
“Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down
“Landin’ in
“You’re Like Comin’ Home” by
“Home” by Chris Daughtry
“I’ll Be Home For Christmas” by Harry Connick Jr.
“The Promise” by Tracy Chapman
“No Place That Far” by Sara Evans
Now John Denver is on -- you know the song. Although it was much more appropriate two months ago.
Today (the 11th day of the 11th month) was Remembrance Day (BBC background) to commemorate the millions who died in WWI and WWII. All week people have been wearing paper poppies on their lapels to commemorate this. Apparently some younger generations are also tying in the Iraq war with this remembrance. My analysis definitely says that the British are completely capable of being patriotic and protesting at the same time. There is definitely a vibe of "support our troops and not the war."
Also, fireworks are a regular occurrence in November, as yesterday I saw another display for the Lord Mayor's Show (some London hoopla about something that has been going on for a zillion years). I didn't wake up in time to see the traditional parade portion, but I was out my dark at 5 p.m. to see a fancy display of 'works over the Thames.
Oxford Education
So I FINALLY hit up the famous shopping on
I found 5-pound tank top (vest) with tons of cities on it (my way of finding a fashionable souvenir) in the three glorious floors of H&M. We also witnessed the cheap chaos of Primark. (Like, seriously, this place is cheaper than Steve & Barry's, even with the exchange rate at times!) And of course, I was introduced to the most awesome store that one could never get set foot in in America: Top Shop. It was a little pricey for my current situation, but I felt in awe of its rooms and rooms of fashion's latest sequins and baubles. I would be fine with dying and being buried there immediately.
Big cities keep getting better and better. I mean, can
I am now watching: The X Factor, the British version of American Idol; it seems to be even more lackluster than the American show. Sharon Osborne is a judge, as well as snippy Simon Cowell -- but he is definitely not himself without Paula around.
Word of the day: bloke
What I love about
Good news: I made it through filming three interviews today all over
Good news: I am finally in the warmth of my bed ready to watch my dose of Thursday American shows.
Bad news: I don’t have any wine. Or even any tea.
What I love about
Well, I should be sleeping because I am interviewing one of the most important financial guys in the world tomorrow, but I am having trouble sleeping because I am interviewing one of the most important financial guys in the world tomorrow.
Yes, the intern and her trusty camera and list of questions will be interviewing the head of a huge custodian bank. I hope I don’t have one of my Bridget Jones moments. Or the lens cap is on.
Today I did two interviews and really have gotten the hang of operating the camera as I interview, although the multi-tasking situation is not ideal. The questions were scripted by my editors ages ago though, so it doesn’t require the usual interaction of interviews I normally do.
I tried to get out of there after I did a couple pans of the room, because I heard them mumbling about the camera and staring at me like I was from outer space. (I didn’t see any other females in the room.) The communications director warned me that they might push or curse in order to do their job “which is to make money,” so I tried to stay the heck out of their way.
I am now listening to: (Oh my gosh, you are all going to be shocked that I am listening to Christmas music at all -- and this early!) I can’t tell you which one, but my hint is that it’s a famous Christmas song by a pop diva that was featured in a movie that took place in
It basically means nothing and everything, as my colleague Christopher points out. I absolutely adore it.
What I learned today: Working from home can be fantastic. Writing news while your laundry is going is much better than writing news while your co-worker makes an ad sales pitch in a loud, monotone voice. I’d get depressed if I worked at home every day though. And I’d probably never get out of my PJs.
What I love about
My Name on the Big Screen
Well not the big screen, but maybe on the screens of big people. Basically, as I mentioned, I am playing a large role helping the aforementioned Christopher, Global Custodian’s multimedia editor, with our first-ever DVD on the securities industry. And I get to be in the credits (posted below).
Just to brag about GC for a second, it is actually really at the forefront of multimedia in Europe, thanks to Christopher. It was definitely the first trade pub in our field to do multimedia. We do podcasts every week as well as vodcasts every once in a while. My first vodcast will be posted later this month.
But anyway, I’m kind of nervous to be filming for the first time, as well as interviewing some of the most powerful financial people in the world in my $40 suit. But you know, whatever.
I did feel really excited when Christopher showed me the credits. It was funny how much we picked them apart. You don’t even think about how long it can take to design credits until you do it. But anyway, I enjoyed Christopher’s finished product and the hilarious upbeat piano music. We discussed setting the DVD to reggae or techno, you know, livening up the securities services, but maybe next time.
And that’s why I get to work from home so much, because I’m running around doing interviews and don’t have time to pop into the office. So on one hand it’s a lot busier and requires me to wash my hair and iron clothes more (boo). But it’s also really nice to get the heck out of that fourth-floor office with a broken lift every once in a while.
We’ll see how I feel about having three interviews on Friday ... and what next week will be like when I realize all the work I have to catch up on in back at the GC homestead.
I am now watching: The millionth and probably final version of our DVD credits that Christopher is uploading on YouTube. Oh what an exciting life I lead!
Word of the day: bin
Clearly it’s a trash bin, not a trash can. The British might be onto something.
Wait ... Am I the country-bumpkin-turned-city-girl to these people? How funny. I am from suburban Cincinnati ... Wait that doesn't prove much, does it? I did used to frequent shows for a band that sings a song "I Wrecked My Tractor."
Being abroad definitely makes me more in touch with people. I feel like half of my night is e-mailing. Look, it’s
The truth is, I think I was supposed to be alive in the 19th century, because I would be good at being Emily Dickinson, writing letters and short poetry all day. I’d get a little sick of myself, but my job would be writing poetry to become famous as soon as I died -- how cool would that be?
My correspondence skills, I must say, are very unusual -- but I think important! One should not underestimate the power of a nice long e-mail to an old friend, circa 2001.
Then again, half my day at work is e-mailing, so how can I stand to e-mail at the end of the day? One day at work I figured I sent 75 e-mails. My boss gets 600 e-mails a day, so I doubt he is sending gchats to his old chums from university after work. That could be me someday!!
But on the other hand, it’s important not to let the drudge of work keep one from letting her fingers flow over the keyboard to type a proper electronic correspondence to friends and family. Or else the art of Internet communication will slip away entirely. Before you know it, our kids won’t even be able to write a good, old-fashioned e-mail anymore!!!
That’s why I will send them abroad. Bring back the Grand Tour.
I am now reading: This Onion article really sums off the office life for me:
Study Finds Working At Work Improves Productivity
Weekend Update
And now if I were famous and the tabloids had been hounding me all weekend (which is exactly what they do in
Behling then wandered to
Later that afternoon she was back north in
Or other stories could be:
Ellie Behling was spotted in a devil costume at
Ellie Behling was seen wandering the majestic rooms of
The amazing choreography of fireworks celebrating Guy Fawkes Day boomed in
It’s suspected that Ellie Behling must have had a night in after a long weekend in
I am now watching: Yes, Ghost. And before that it was Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (oh British TV).
[Edit: I deleted a photo from this page.]
Word of the day: snogging
In case you don’t know this one, it’s kissing.
There’s a new movie coming out called The Golden Compass. My flatmate loved the book and is excited about it. I was going to try to read it before the movie, as it looks like a thrilling fantasy, and it has a ferret in it. Then I received the following e-mail yesterday.
Now I wouldn’t bother reading this whole e-mail, because I didn’t. And I don’t mean to pick on the person who sent it, because she is like a sister to me. But it is just so American I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Taking the quarter-life crisis global!