Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Exclusive: Ellie Behling Sightings in London

Word of the day: wanker
I feel awkward saying what it means, but I know that this is what my flatmate calls her boss.

A few things I learned this weekend:

  • Public transportation seems great, but it really takes way longer and is just as expensive as gasoline. But I am just mad that I spent about $60 this week running around London that I wouldn’t have spent if I didn’t lose my unlimited monthly travel card. It should come back to me whenever the Royal Mail feels like bringing it here!!! Well I guess it didn't stop me from cavorting about the city this weekend.
  • Americans did not invent fireworks when they gained freedom from the British! In fact, I saw plenty of fireworks for Guy Fawkes Day this weekend. Apparently Guy Fawkes was a guy who tried to blow up Parliament in the 17th century … and the British celebrate this. But then again we also kind of celebrate a made-up event of Columbus making the amazing discovery of America.
  • Speaking of discovering America, I found out some history about my part of the woods in London -- which is the Surrey Quays district of the Docklands. Yes, there is something here besides the one shopping center (woo!) and a few pubs. Apparently the Mayflower docked and sailed from this area! Maybe I will have a drink to that when I'm stranded here at Thanksgiving.

What I love about London: The amazing graffiti, such as the famous Banksy.

Weekend Update

And now if I were famous and the tabloids had been hounding me all weekend (which is exactly what they do in London), they could write several stories, such as:

E.llie Behling was sighted in London’s hip East End today talking to bassist Nick McCarthy from rock band Franz Ferdinand. Behling was wandering around famous record store Rough Trade when her friend Jessica Lee spotted McCarthy, and the three chatted. McCarthy was carrying a pile of albums and said he was “stocking up.” Behling left the store empty-handed, but was sipping a latte.

Behling then wandered to Brick Lane, where she bought a cheap necklace from a vendor, and then was later spotted eating pie at The Old Truman Brewery.

Later that afternoon she was back north in Camden Town for the third time this week. Behling is a bit of a Camden Market regular, and had on a new houndstooth-patterned hat when passersby saw her head for home. A person next to her on the tube says they heard Bob Dylan’s “Brand New Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat” playing on her iPod.

Or other stories could be:

Ellie Behling was spotted in a devil costume at Camden Town’s Koko club with several other masquerading individuals on Friday night. The old opera house was a much more grandiose venue than the rock shows we usually find her attending in dingy bars of Ohio. She allegedly darted out early, probably to catch the last tube back to her home in Southeast London.


Ellie Behling was seen wandering the majestic rooms of South Kensington’s Victoria & Albert museum alone on Saturday. She spent a long time in the fashion display and reading the captions on the medieval tombs, and also lingered by a display of iron key designs from hundreds of years. The starlet was heard telling someone on her mobile that it was “the coolest museum in London yet.”


The amazing choreography of fireworks celebrating Guy Fawkes Day boomed in Battersea Park Saturday night, and onlookers included Ellie Behling, observing the British holiday for the first time as she sipped mulled wine. She and a pack of girls then crossed the glowing Albert Bridge before heading home.


It’s suspected that Ellie Behling must have had a night in after a long weekend in London, probably doing something completely self-promotional and lame like writing in her blog and watching Ghost while admiring her new hat in the mirror.

I am now watching: Yes, Ghost. And before that it was Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (oh British TV).

[Edit: I deleted a photo from this page.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A few things:

- I used to live near Battersea Park.

- Rough Trade sounds like BDSM.

- I miss Camden Town in autumn.

- That's all I can think of.