Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Home, Home on the Range

Word of the day: Oh bloody hell, I can’t think of one mate!

What I learned today: There was an industrial explosion in East London today (visible from my flat), and I didn’t even know about it until my friend at the AP in Jerusalem e-mailed me to see if I was alright. Guess I only know about stock market explosions these days! Reuters reported that the explosion made the pound lower to ONLY the worth of $2.0674 instead of it’s usual $2.0692 … So does this mean that if I start enough explosions in London, the pound could be worth $2? Woohoo!

What I love about London: How whenever I clutch my bag on the tube so no sticky fingers can get in, I think of the song "Gotta Pick a Pocket or Two" from Oliver.

Too Much Office Space
Life in the electronic office can be challenging. Mostly because four of my superiors will e-mail me from different countries at the same time and ask me to do something and it’s hard to prioritize. But, you know, I juggle tasks -- that’s what I do. I write it on a Post-it that I deem the appropriate size (I have all different shapes and sizes) and then attack that Post-it until I check every item off! Or I put it in my planner and won’t sleep at night until its highlighted (yes, I HIGHLIGHT things as I do them, which is super backward and I realize this.)

What did I accomplish today, you ask? Well I didn't highlight nearly enough in my nine hours staring at the large screen of my Mac. I captured footage in real-time to the computer and then watched it export at the rate of a snail and then sent it to my colleague in America to edit it. I suppose I also learned all about MiFID’s best execution standards (new regulation stuff related to a story I am doing) and wrote a couple news stories and sent a dozen e-mails, but that’s all very boring, so I won’t bother boring you.

I will just eat my hummus and watch Desperate Housewives.

I bet tomorrow will be much the same, but it’s OK. Today I got a package from the parents with candy corn, a camera cord and a bright purple sweater I am wearing proudly. So life is good!

I am now listening to: The ridiculous collection of pop “I miss home/you” music I downloaded while I was bored. Any suggestions to add to my list? (I WAS collecting that sort of “Wide Open Spaces," adventure-themed music, but I have moved on to this kind of sappiness.)

“Hey There Delilah” by Plain White Tees
“Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down
Landin’ in London” by 3 Doors Down
“You’re Like Comin’ Home” by Emerson Drive
“Home” by Chris Daughtry
“I’ll Be Home For Christmas” by Harry Connick Jr.
“The Promise” by Tracy Chapman
“No Place That Far” by Sara Evans

Aren’t I ridiculous? My favorite thing about life experience is finding the songs to go with it, I ain't gonna lie.

Now John Denver is on -- you know the song. Although it was much more appropriate two months ago.


Cheryl said...

"my friend at the AP in Jerusalem"

Knowing Sean makes you sound so cultured :-)

Unknown said...

I also hope that I myself ("financial journalist in London") can make me sound cultured:)