Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thoughts from a Lonely Traveler...

Summary: I am in a funk this week.

Word of the day: smart
English people always use this to mean “sharp” when describing someone dressed up, i.e. “You look smart.”

What I learned today: How to edit video with Final Cut Pro!

What I love about London: Finally, it rained for a while today and I got to use my umbrella. I have barely used it at all and people acted like I better have an umbrella sewn to my body before I left. I guess it’s just been kind of dry in rainy ol' England.

So what am I still doing here?
Well yesterday I was writing a piece for our winter issue about upgrades to a new trading platform and I found myself typing the following paragraph instead … I guess I’ve really been in a funk about being over here, and kind of ready for it to be over now that I lost my glasses. But tomorrow I will probably get all upset that I am leaving this amazing city and will probably end up working for a paper in Nebraska or something. And then other days I wish I could be transported home immediately. Today is one of the latter.

Why do we travel, really? It makes us more likely to be poor, more likely to lose things, more likely to fight with our significant other, more prone to diseases in other countries … And yet, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want the horrible experience of losing your make-up in England and having to buy it back for twice as much. It is with these ridiculous challenges working abroad brings that makes every lonely traveler rise to the occasion. We swear that some day this experience will make us more confident people, will benefit our pocketbook (not sure how -- does worldliness pay?) and strengthen our relationship after facing the test of time zones. And yet perhaps these endless steeples and strangers we encounter won't make a heap of difference, but at least it's fun for most of the time. I mean, really, why not travel? What have I got to lose aside from my passport, cell phone, iPod, travel card, credit cards, wallet, glasses, boyfriend, sanity, life savings, make-up, etcetera?

I am now reading: Naked Option by Joe Kolman. I saw my co-worker reading this and thought he had brought some erotic book to the office, but actually it’s an account of life on the trade floor he was reviewing for the magazine. Finally, an interesting read about the business I cover!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Commenting on my own blog, I notice I learned how to edit Final Cut Pro twice ... Well that makes sense though, as it was hard to handle and I still can't say I have it down.