Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

From the Trading Floor

Word of the day: row
British people use this word more to mean “quarrel,” and I really like it. Saying “I got in a row with Matt last night over something stupid,” sounds much better than “I got in a fight with Matt last night over something stupid.”

What I love about London: clicking my heels around as another businesswoman in one of the top financial districts in the world, tucked away among cathedrals and monuments.

Well, I should be sleeping because I am interviewing one of the most important financial guys in the world tomorrow, but I am having trouble sleeping because I am interviewing one of the most important financial guys in the world tomorrow.

Yes, the intern and her trusty camera and list of questions will be interviewing the head of a huge custodian bank. I hope I don’t have one of my Bridget Jones moments. Or the lens cap is on.

Today I did two interviews and really have gotten the hang of operating the camera as I interview, although the multi-tasking situation is not ideal. The questions were scripted by my editors ages ago though, so it doesn’t require the usual interaction of interviews I normally do.

In order to get b-roll (the footage you see in filmed interviews that isn’t just a talking head) today, I went to the trade floor of an inter-dealer money broker. Oh my god -- it was pandemonium -- full of a lot of guys in suits that seemed like they were trying to safely land the Apollo or something. Shouting out “I’ve got a swap!” and rolling up their sleeves and getting on little black phones -- it was just like the movies. It reminded me a little bit of the excitement of how daily newsrooms are portrayed. Although I don’t think the idea of a crazy newsroom actually reflects reality the way the idea of a crazy trade room apparently does.

I tried to get out of there after I did a couple pans of the room, because I heard them mumbling about the camera and staring at me like I was from outer space. (I didn’t see any other females in the room.) The communications director warned me that they might push or curse in order to do their job “which is to make money,” so I tried to stay the heck out of their way.

I would love to have been a wallflower for the rest of the day. As I looked at their computers scrunched together like urban housing, I wondered what these people running the markets were like and how they shut this off at the end of the day and go home and be normal. I wondered if they are like the people in London I see every day who look like they work too hard at making it the center of finance in the world. I wondered what they were even doing.

I am now listening to: (Oh my gosh, you are all going to be shocked that I am listening to Christmas music at all -- and this early!) I can’t tell you which one, but my hint is that it’s a famous Christmas song by a pop diva that was featured in a movie that took place in London. Yep, that's the one.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ellie, how've you been getting on?

The guy didn't tell me anything about his show. Just that the segment was called 'What's Hot Down Under' and they were following the festival circuit through Australia. That's where I met him - just out at a friend's gig. It's so frustrating! I wish I could remember his name. It doesn't seem worth the effort to get a passport/working Visa/plane ticket and everything just to end up in England doing bar work or whatever. Don't suppose there are any intern type jobs going at your magazine?

Love Ainsley

Anonymous said...

Damn! That IS a big interview! You're so important! I'm soooo impressed!

Well, I'm doing pretty good, but the man...we broke up about 2 weeks ago. It was my doing, and I'm not sure it was the right decision, but I've become very commitment-phobic since the whole engagement thing. So who knows? Maybe we'll get back together, but right now I want to be by myself.

But everything else is pretty good! My job's going well. I'm not interviewing major players in the financial world, but I do design the business section on Sundays, so it's kind of as cool as you! (Actually, I was working on this Sunday's business pages today, and they're KILLING ME. I can't find ANYTHING worthy to put in there. It has to be in by Friday at midnight for early run, so I have to pick things that won't be too old by Sunday, and there was SHIT on the wires today.)

So tonight was super crazy at work, but it in general is very good. And life is pretty good. I've made a couple of friends I feel close with and a few others I'm pretty comfortable with. Do you have friends in London? Do you do cool London things, or are you too busy being an important journalist?!

Unknown said...

Hey Steph -- I am glad you are figuring things out for yourself:) We all need that sometimes.

Listen, being an important journalist IS time consuming (haha), but yes, I've made a few friends. There are two that I hang out with all of the time and often show up in this blog (Jessica and Joe). And then a lot of other people I've met or been set up with, like another person from OU who is a journalist here that my professor got me together with. Or the random classmate from high school I will be getting together with before I leave. Or a friend of a friend who is now my friend and going to school in England. It's just funny all of the connections you draw on in a new city. Somehow my schedule has ended up completely full. But on the other hand I've had way more time to myself, and although that used to scare me, it's been good for me I think.

But anyway, regardless of the people I've met and the peace and quiet I enjoy, I miss those people at home that have known me for years, and obviously I miss Matt a lot as well. We fight like 42 times more than we did in America, but there's no way we would ever give up after putting in these last completely awful two months of separation!! haha. He's a trooper for hanging in there.

Anyway, maybe we can talk more on facebook where everyone isn't reading, but I thought I would respond:)

By the way, my job is not that impressive, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression! lol. That's cool that you put together the business section. I actually think business news is fun. Who knows what I will end up doing -- from the Chautauqua theater company to the stock market, I find it all to be interesting (and equally as cutthroat). I enjoyed my job at The Post last year picking things from the wire, but isn't it a bitch some days? I definitely love how there will be tons of news on some days and then nothing when you need it.

Anyway, glad I updated you on journalism in love -- the two things you and I like to talk about :)

I miss you!

Unknown said...

Hey Ainsley - Sorry I've taken so long to respond! It's been a horrendous week, as you may have read.

Hm, I agree it's probably not worth getting all of that stuff without knowing for sure you will have a job. That is frustrating. I would wait until it's a sure thing. You have plenty of time to find something in England, and I would recommend coming when you have more time anyway. I mean, I've been here two months and still can't believe how much I still want to see!!

Anyway, I know my boss is always looking for interns. I'm sure he'd be interested in talking to you. Of course right now we have two, but I don't know what he has planned for the future, like when I leave in a few weeks. It's usually good if you can stay for at least a few months, but I think they are pretty flexible. Why don't you send me an e-mail (epbehling@gmail.com), and we can talk more about it.