Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Word of the day: vest
Regular old tank tops are referred to as vests and vest vests are referred to as waistcoats.

What I learned this weekend:

Today (the 11th day of the 11th month) was Remembrance Day (BBC background) to commemorate the millions who died in WWI and WWII. All week people have been wearing paper poppies on their lapels to commemorate this. Apparently some younger generations are also tying in the Iraq war with this remembrance. My analysis definitely says that the British are completely capable of being patriotic and protesting at the same time. There is definitely a vibe of "support our troops and not the war."

Also, fireworks are a regular occurrence in November, as yesterday I saw another display for the Lord Mayor's Show (some London hoopla about something that has been going on for a zillion years). I didn't wake up in time to see the traditional parade portion, but I was out my dark at 5 p.m. to see a fancy display of 'works over the Thames.

What I love about London: FASHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oxford Education
So I FINALLY hit up the famous shopping on Oxford Street. It was perfect timing, as the street was lit up and the big department store windows were decorated for Christmas. It had a magical feel to it, despite being the busiest place I’ve encountered in this usually uncondensed city.

I found 5-pound tank top (vest) with tons of cities on it (my way of finding a fashionable souvenir) in the three glorious floors of H&M. We also witnessed the cheap chaos of Primark. (Like, seriously, this place is cheaper than Steve & Barry's, even with the exchange rate at times!) And of course, I was introduced to the most awesome store that one could never get set foot in in America: Top Shop. It was a little pricey for my current situation, but I felt in awe of its rooms and rooms of fashion's latest sequins and baubles. I would be fine with dying and being buried there immediately.

Big cities keep getting better and better. I mean, can London throw anything else at me to make it even better? I dare it too.

I am now watching: The X Factor, the British version of American Idol; it seems to be even more lackluster than the American show. Sharon Osborne is a judge, as well as snippy Simon Cowell -- but he is definitely not himself without Paula around.

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