Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some Serious Blogging

Word of the day: shag
I thought only Austin Powers said this but it’s a real live word in the English vernacular.

What I learned today: I am too sensitive to be a journalist! I don’t know how I got into this profession, but I have the hardest time writing co-workers off when I should or not being bothered by what my editor says or not worrying what a source thinks. Or maybe I am just too sensitive to be a person.

What I love about London: This eerie pub we went to off of Oxford Street called Ben Crouch’s Tavern, adorned in Frankenstein-like décor mingled with Christmas wreaths. Test tube shots for one pound!

The most suicidal thing a person can possibly do is blog about blogging (or write about writing or sing about singing or any of that look-in-the-mirror bullshit), but I can’t help but remember that my little night job of blogging is going to be up soon. Well so is my London adventure but never mind that.

I have to say it seems like it must be really easy to ramble on about your own life in one of these things, and it is. But the rest of it is really quite challenging. The biggest challenge is knowing how much and how little to say.

For instance, I am dying, absolutely freaking dying to tell stories about things in the office, but I can’t. And I can’t really give the office justice by not telling you the whole story. So this whole time I have not bothered to tell you about the humorous characters I encounter on a daily basis, from the drone of sales pitches, to the technical guys from Uzbekistan who sometimes try to convert me to Islam. And then of course there’s my editor, who always wears a suit and walks in and immediately gets the kettle started for tea. It’s impossible to paint the correct picture of this dingy old place, and so I don’t.

It’s funny to think that in all these blog entries, I’ve gone on and on and on about places in London and being in another country yada yada yada, but I have hardly given justice to the place where I’ve spent the most hours: work.

But anyway, I’m thinking this blog comprises three things: a. me b. London and c. journalism, but in truth the only thing I was allowed to say everything about was b. And I’m sure I’ve told you too much about a.

So listen, in honor of this self-indulgent blog about my daily trials and tribulations and sightings of old churches, here is an Onion link that made me chuckle: Entire Blogosphere Stunned By Blogger's Special Weekend Post

By the way, have I mentioned that this sardonic paper gets me through long afternoons in the office?

Oh, and by the way, the quote of the day goes to my American co-worker after I told him something an English person did:

"I think it's the U.K. man. You're either a genius or an idiot." -- Christopher

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