Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Miss America? I Don't Always

Summary: Once again I laugh/cry over the U.S. for its precious puritanism.

Word of the day: snogging
In case you don’t know this one, it’s kissing.

What I learned today: America is intolerant of atheism. Sure, I always knew this, but I didn't realize how much it stands out on a global level for these sorts of things. When I first got here, one of my co-workers showed me an article about active atheist Philip Pullman visiting the U.S. The article described the U.S. as a place that criminalizes atheists. This was shocking to two English co-workers. A lot of the English (although I wouldn’t exactly call them people with a reputation for religious tolerance), just accept it as another belief like Islam or Judaism. On the other hand, some Americans don’t accept other religions period, do they?

To continue that thought…

There’s a new movie coming out called The Golden Compass. My flatmate loved the book and is excited about it. I was going to try to read it before the movie, as it looks like a thrilling fantasy, and it has a ferret in it. Then I received the following e-mail yesterday.

Now I wouldn’t bother reading this whole e-mail, because I didn’t. And I don’t mean to pick on the person who sent it, because she is like a sister to me. But it is just so American I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Subject: FW: Movie Boycott (The Golden Compass)> I sent this out earlier, and my son added this additional information from Snopes. Just click the link. Thanks to Greg and Carolyn. If you forward, please blind copy and remove addresses.> Carol> I checked this out at www..snopes.com. This email/story is completely true. There is a lot of information to be gleaned from http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/compass.asp and I encourage all to read the information provided on this link.> Gregory T. Lloyd, DVM> If you have children or grandchildren, here’s a heads-up!> Carol> Well. ain't this a nice 'howdy do'![http://by103w.bay103.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg=]> ________________________________> Subject: Movie Boycott (The Golden Compass)> Just an FYI for those of us with children or those of us who know people with children should be aware of.> This Christmas there will be a movie released starring Nicole Kidman called 'The Golden Compass'. This is based on a the first book of a triology by a British author named Phillip Pullman. It is children's fantasy in the likes of Narnia or Lord of the Rings. It is being released by New Line and Scholastic Entertainment (the same as Scholastic books in our schools). Phillip Pullman is hoping that the movie will spark interest in reading of the books.> The evil force in the books and movie is 'The Magisterium' with priest, cardinals, popes, conclaves etc. Phillip Pullman is a 'devout' atheist who wants to slowly and unasumingly enter the minds and hearts of our children and poison them. In the books, especially the third book, there are mentions of horrific deaths and the killing of God. This is suppose to be a mercy killing since by this time God is old and decrepit.> Dr. William Donohue was on EWTN last night talking about this. For more information please go to www.catholicleague.org. Please let other people that you know understand that this is anti-catholic/anti-christian/anit-God movie and that Phillip Pullman is trying to get young children to become atheists--maybe without their parents knowledge--by reading the books. I'm sure the movie is a milder version than the book--they usually always are.> Let's do our best to get the word out to boycot this movie! INSTEAD, let's go see 'Bella' and let that movie make as much money as possible!!> =======================> FOLLOW UP ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2007> =======================> Well, and as these things go.....I was flipping channels this morning and on the Today Show was an excerpt from the movie 'The Golden Compass'. Apparently it is Al Roker's book of the month for children! They are also going to have a sweepstakes for someone to win a trip to England for the premier of the film and will have Philip Pullman on the Today Show-- next month I believe! See how fast the devil moves!! Let's keep on getting the word out! We've got to be as dedicated to the preservation of Truth as the devil is in destroying it!!

I am now dressing up as: The devil! I actually wore my devil Halloween costume on the tube after a few too many two-for-one beers as well. It seems only appropriate, as I was the Bible character Eve last year. We know it's her fault sin exists at all.

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