Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Finally! London in Photos

Word of the day: CV
This is what they call a resume. Probably a good thing to know if one is applying for a job in London. Although in my case my resume was never even attached but my now-boss saw a link to the old blog I had for The Post and hired me. See? Blogs do matter.

What I learned today: You can put all of your chat applications into
one application. So now I use jabber to access AOL and at work.
This minimizes a couple of applications I usually have floating around
all over the screen. How exciting is my life?

What I love about London: That it's gray outside. So you might think
I'm a sunny person, but I'm not. Or maybe I am but I prefer not to be
outshined by the sun.

So Now I Can Stop Trying to Catch Your Attention With My Wit
...Because I finally have pictures again!

I am super tired right now because I insisted on uploading all of my
pictures to facebook last night as soon as I got my camera cord in the mail. Of course that doesn't help you old geysers (age 26 and over) who read my blog and want to see pictures. Actually, you will luck out because I will wade through and select only my favorite
photos. OK I was going to do that right now, but the picture upload isn't working. I'll post more later tonight or tomorrow.

I am now watching: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -- there is no end to British TV randomness.

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