Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another Great Britain!

Summary: Scotland was just the GB hit I needed.

Word of the day: aye
I never realized how often I say "yeah" until I imagined replacing it with "aye" like the Scottish.

What I learned yesterday: As I was doodling the notes for the blog in the Edinburgh Airport, I realized something I should've learned months ago: Airport travel is the most inefficient form of transportation, bringing to mind rush-hour traffic or waiting in line at the DMV for a license. And yet I shouldn't complain because traveling back home in the U.S. is just as inefficient but on top of that about three times more expensive.

Speaking of air travel! How scared am I to fly home on Sunday? I'm showing up at Gatwick Airport like four hours early armed with food and supplies. Let's hope I can even hit the air. You might've heard that British airline workers are planning a strike, but are kind enough to postpone it to after Christmas (cross fingers).

From the Highlands
I will be sure to tell it in pictures as soon as I can, but let me just say that the raw scenery of the Scottish Highlands was as a beautiful as I needed it to be! And on top of that I met some wonderful people. OK so there isn't really any way around me doing a "this was the time of my life" blog post, sorry. Yet you might think from reading this blog that I am always having these sort of moments, but that really isn't true. Regardless of London being, well, London, I still work here and it is still a big city, which can feel oppressive at times. If I ever seem too positive, know that life is not all roses and some days I hide from the city by staying in my PJs all day.

Scotland was quite the opposite, with mountain air, crumbling castles, and perfect open-minded people around to drink pints with on the shores of Loch Ness. And even Edinburgh was walkable and, geez, literally built around a castle on a hill, how flipping cool is that?

Well anyway, the whole operation of backpacking through Scotland on top of my horrendous work week last week caught up with me and I slept it off today. Then I went on a Jack the Ripper walking tour, to get in a little spirit by hearing about the famous sex serial killer of 1888. So now I have to pack .... And if you know me, you know this is never a good activity.

The good news is, I don't have to say goodbye! My boss made it possible for me to come back in the New Year. Did I just bury the lead (as we news people call putting the most important point at the bottom of a story)? So yes, you will have that nagging feeling of needing to check my blog in 2008 to hear about my seasonal affective disorder in January in London.

I am now watching: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. How cliche am I sitting in London watching this? So fun!

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