Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Journalistic Unconfessions

Just to let you know -- because I don't want to be the dodgy journalist that just deletes things without telling you -- I decided to delete yet another post. All it was was a latenight post after a long day of editing mentioning a few experiences I had wielding the red pen.

Perhaps these experiences were too telling. I am not defending what crime the post was about -- a situation involving plagiarism -- but several people were concerned that it might not be appropriate to bring up in a public forum.

But on the other hand, this blog is supposed to be about JOURNALISM. And when I was being a journalist the other day I found a situation that was good fodder for journalists. While I didn't agree with the comments I received (one of which DEFENDED the situation), it called attention to me to the fact that perhaps if it angered these people it might again be a time I shouldn't air dirty laundry. Perhaps it's wimpy of me to delete, but man, I want to have a job. And remember, I only delete, I don't fold my cards!

I am severely struggling here with how to blog about journalism. I don't want to just make this about "woo I went to Scotland!" so if someone has suggestions, please let me know.

And while I can't apparently write about specific situations without second guessing myself, I can apparently still hold my condescending journalistic head up high. Don't you worry about that. This midwestern girl went to one of the best journalism schools in the country and don't you forget it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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