Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jumping Off the London Bridge

OMG I am going to die and it is my last week of work.

Unless of course I come back in the New Year, because then I will have much longer.

I don't have any thoughts because my brain hurts worse than it has ever hurt.

This will all be "over" next week.

Quote of the day from my boss: "Wine is like the typewriter oil for journalists."


Anonymous said...

I love you! Don't stress! Haha, I know you will, but don't stress TOO much.

Love, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ellie. I wish I was better at keeping up. I remember your blog every couple of weeks and then sort of read the backlog to catch up, and I'm always enthralled. By London, by your projects, by how you still have so many of the same worries I do even though you're in a different world. I'm amazed it's already time for you to come back. Here in "the real world," where there aren't semesters or finals, you lose track of time. I have all these friends graduating at K-State, and I'm thinking "It's December?"

And I'm semi-shocked to hear you're considering staying! I mean, I don't think it's a bad thing, but wow! That IS a huge life decision! I'm sure you talked to Matt before you sent that e-mail...what does he think?

And as for being a workaholic, I don't know what the answer to that is. Is there one? Hard to say. I was supposed to play the piano every Friday this month for Christmas events, but then everyone else took vacations at work, so I have to work every Friday. I could leave for a couple of hours and play and come back, but I'm afraid I wouldn't get done or that they'd have to do extra work for me, and so I'm just not going to play at all. Not as drastic as your situation, but it still sucks. Ugh, I feel like I could write you a novel! My life is a swirling mess right now! Plus, I'm in Florida by myself for Christmas, and it's so painfully depressing I almost can't stand thinking about it. But I will survive. Maybe I won't last long here. I don't know.

But I'm rambling. I'm so proud of you for thriving in London! I wish I was so brave! I hope our paths cross again someday soon. If they don't, I might just have to make them.

Enjoy your last few days! (for now!)


Unknown said...

Steph I always love your novel-length comments. Thanks for keeping me going the whole time I've been in London.

Right now I am at work and it's been a rough week, sigh, but it's almost over! I don't think I will be coming back to London because of the company's budgetary concern but it's all up in the air! It's funny to "not know" what you are doing in the next month, and how expectations change so easily!

We will get through this. Until our next life crisis:) This time of life is a rough time, you know? I hear this show about the quarter-life crisis is coming to TV and am very excited.

By the way, Matt is really supportive. He is like the perfect boyfriend for me and is willing to move where I am after graduation and figure out a job there. My workaholism is also better when he is around because he goes "STOP, YOU ARE WATCHING THIS MOVIE." So at least I know someday when I am in the same city as him again I will have him around to pull me back to earth.

I was thinking about how I actually want to listen to Christmas music this year and I wish I had your CD of piano songs you didn't send me last year because I'm such a Scrooge! Haha, if you still have it, you should send it to me some year.

I miss you and I DO think our paths will cross soon. I'm sorry you will be alone at Christmas, but try to think of it as a romantic experience you can write songs about. If you ever need a family up in the 'Nati (or wherever I am), you are welcome!!!!

Much love!
