Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tea Bagged

Summary: How to make tea!

Word of the day: lie-in
When the English are sleeping in our laying around, they have a "lie-in." Sigh, I want those days.

Tea Bagged
So amid another excrutiating day that strained my eyeballs from squinting
at text and numbers on page proofs, my boss found the time to give this
helpless American a little lesson on how to make a proper cup of tea. In
addition to being the authority on all things global custody, I would
certainly pin him as the authority on drinking tea. Here are his tea

Tea Do's...

1. Get fresh, COLD water.

2. Boil the water in a kettle. Meanwhile, place the tea bags into your cup.

3. When it is still BOILING,pour over your tea bag.

4. Beat the bag quickly against your mug (this is where the real technique
comes in) for about 20 seconds. You can really start to recognize your own
preferences for how much flavor to squeeze out of that sucker. Once you
have exhausted the tea bag to your heart's content, discard it.

5. Pour some SKIM milk into your tea and stir.

Tea Don'ts...

DON'T pour in milk first.

DON'T let your tea bag just chill in the water.

DON'T use hot water.

DON'T use cream or whole milk, but skim milk.

Oh and edit: I discovered some people prefer tea in only bone china cups. I don't even know what that means.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting tips...i love some 100 fragrance herbal tea from www.teacuppa.com..yummy!