Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Let it Out!

OK, because it's Christmas, I just have one more blog post for you, then I really, really need to go on blogger's vacation. It's hard to find the place to do this when you are a blogger, but it usually requires me to pack my laptop away. (Unfortunately it's my carry-on luggage, so if I get bored during a plane delay, you never know...)

I JUST saw this Kleenex commercial on TV, and I thought, man, what if people in London actually talked to each other. It made me feel warm and fuzzy:


Anonymous said...


much better

Dani said...


Unknown said...

Thanks for that clip! If anyone is interested in reading about possible environmental problems of Kimberly-Clark (owner of Kleenex), I found this link from Co-op America: http://www.coopamerica.org/programs/rs/profile.cfm?id=250&MajorSub=1&CompanyName=Kleenex

Also, while it isn't very necessary in this instance, I'd really appreciate it if you would sign your names to comments. I might not publish anonymous comments in future cases just because I want there to be accountability on the blog. But obviously I appreciate this link and thanks for the comments!