Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Leavin' on a jetplane yet again!

Well, as you may have guessed, Ellie Goes to London will be out of order for an extended holiday period while Ellie goes to Ohio. But be prepared for a refreshed Ellie to entertain you with Part II of this blog.

As I depart for the States to finally get reunited with my true love -- the grilled stuff burrito -- here are the top five things (I just gave you one of them) that I am looking forward to:

1. Regular-sized toilets. There's definitely a petite-ness to the European model. And I'll also mention that a separate faucet for hot and cold water is also something I'm so over.

2. Mexican food (and yes, I mean Taco Bell).

3. Beers for under $5 each. Or hell, under $7 each.

4. Old Navy. There isn't really a comparison here -- it's either Primark (cheap as hell) or Top Shop (super hip and not so cheap). I need to stalk up on sweaters.

5. Fox News. Just kidding, I was just wondering if you were reading. But I will say I miss American TV in general, such as The Daily Show!

Well then, it's over and out. I'll see you in 2008 when I come back for round two as a seasoned Londoner.

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