Taking the quarter-life crisis global!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ellie Goes to Scotland

Word of the day: cider
In the U.S. of course cider is some random apple drink that people might drink to be festive in the fall, but here it is oh-so-delicious cider-flavored beer, which I will miss dearly.

What I learned today: The prospect of time off is something I haven’t experienced for years and I see now that it is much needed!

What I love about London: Walking over the London Bridge and clearing my head in style.

After the Party
I feel like a kid who just got done with a term at school school now that work is over. I have never felt so drained. That and the combination of the apprehension of the future has merged into a sort of peaceful state of mind in which I am simply introspective, relaxed and sluggish.

Yesterday I said bye to co-workers and finally had a good night's sleep. I feel like I could sleep for days and days but maybe soon I will.

The landscape of Scotland should be good for me! And home even better!!!!

Ellie Goes to London will be out of order for a few days because Ellie goes to Scotland.

I am now watching: A marathon of Friends Christmas episodes! When I saw a commercial advertising it I knew I wouldn't be leaving tonight. Oh and “How I Met Your Mum” -- a show about single people reflecting back on how they settled down (does this sound familiar?) -- is premiering in England tonight.


Anonymous said...

So is "How I Met Your Mum" just the American version (How I Met Your Mother) that's been on a while now, is it the same concept with a different cast, or are you just taking liberties with the title and "mum"? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellie,

Just found myself stuck with nothing to read so I jumped onto your blog and was most pleased to read all the updates and giggle at words like cidar. Hope you've had a gay ol' time in Scotland and happy to see you're finally getting some rest.

Love Ainsley

Unknown said...

Matt, yep, it's totally the same show! They are just releasing it a few seasons behind over here...

Ainsley you make me feel so good for actually chuckling at my ridiculous blog posts:) I'm so glad you still find time to read this old thing when you can. Keep me updated on how the career is going, by the way! I met many Aussies on my trip and in London, and I must say you are the nicest bunch of people! Anyway, cheers and merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Correction: I should mention that the preview just called the American show "How I Met Your Mother" "How I Met Your Mum," but they didn't actually change the name. And it looks like it came out in the UK a few months ago, so I got the preview wrong!